Websites Dedicated To This Movement
The charity of Christ impels us!
Daughters of Charity
The Daughters of Charity which was established in 1633 by St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac, in Paris, France. There exists a lot of literature and information dedicated to this organization and therefore in this age of online information there would be a lot of websites for an organization as old as the Daughters of Charity. The society has existed now almost four centuries and spread over almost 100 countries worldwide. And as a result, there are a number of websites that one can find dedicated to this movement. These websites, both official and unofficial, present a variety of information and also in particular categories. People use these websites regularly to find out information about the Daughters of Charity as they are an absolutely world-famous organization and thus their latest news and activities are followed upon.
Primary Website
The primary website of the Daughters of Charity is the one which serves as their international website. On this website you can find a basic description of the organization and also the latest news on their various affairs across the globe. You also have the option of making a donation to the organization or reach out to them though the contact information available. There is also a digital gallery hosted on the website which provides pictures from activities of the Daughters of Charity from all around the world. Members can log on to the website using their official id and password and access various extra information and options as well. There are quite a few websites which serve as its likeness, but one should be sure that they are amassing information from the legitimate source.
Regional Websites
There is a specific website dedicated to each mission of the Daughters of Charity in each of the countries it is available in. These websites contain information regarding that particular chapter of the organization and news from their local media. These websites can either be country specific or city/region specific. In case they are city/region specific there is usually a national level website for the organization as well. Sometimes the regional websites are in their specific regional languages, however if one wants to read about them the translator tool in Google Chrome should be handy.
Sisters Of Charity
Founded by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, The Sisters of Charity are the American chapter of the Daughters of Charity. The difference in name was due to the political scenarios of 19th century United States, however the Sisters of Charity have always belonged to the Vincentian Order just the like the Daughters of Charity/ Their website is also a part of the websites dedicated to the Daughters of Charity as they are part and parcel of the entire Daughters of Charity of the Vincentian order. This website gives one the information regarding the works of the organization in the United States, and there are also city specific websites such as one for the Daughters of Charity of New York, another one for Maryland, etc.
Unofficial Websites
There are various websites available on the internet which are not endorsed by the Daughters of Charity but provide accurate information on the organization. These websites mostly present details regarding the history and activities of the Daughters of Charity, and mostly on a regional scale. There are also various blogs which speak about the works of the Daughters of Charity and call for donations by linking to the necessary pages. This website is also one of the many unofficial websites which present information on the Daughters of Charity. However, we pledge to provide only information that is resourceful and accurate as per our knowledge.
There are a quite a few online archives relating to the Daughters of Charity and these are mostly comprised of the various regional literature produced by the Sisters. These websites upload the various manuscripts and records of the activities of the Daughters of Charity in their specific regions. These archives are of paramount importance as they hold material which are quite brittle but of high historical value. Years later when these manuscripts would have fully decayed, these websites would be the only remaining stones in which the history of the Daughters of Charity would be etched upon.

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